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Why Meditate?

Like a computer running too many programs at once, our brains can easily be overwhelmed by all the thoughts, information, and images that fill our heads. Meditation can be seen as a reboot for the mind so we can start fresh.

Women Relaxing

Reduce Stress

Meditation has been scientifically shown to get at the root of the problem of stress: our brain’s over-active tendency to see potential disaster everywhere we look. With consistent practice, we react less strongly to difficult situations and when we do get triggered, we recover faster.

Cat sleeping under blanket

Sleep Better

When we tune in to the present, we’re not worrying about what’s next. That’s when sleep comes – when the mind is at ease. If we can develop the habit of stepping in through the day, to give our minds a brief break as anxiety starts to build, we’re better equipped to fall asleep at night.

Cat sleeping under blanket

Improve Focus

In meditation, we cultivate concentration by repeatedly bringing our attention back to a chosen point of focus, often our breath or some other sensation in the body. Over time, our attention begins to go where we tell it rather than being drawn every which way by random impulses.

Cat sleeping under blanket

Improve Happiness

Meditation is the practice of coming back to the present. Presence brings awareness to moments of joy and goodness that we may not have noticed before, magnifying the positive impact they have on our happiness.


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